And many apologies!
Blouse: Gift from boyfriend Jumper: H&M Skirt: New Look Coat: Topshop Bag&Laptop Case: Cath Kidston
I haven't blogged in a while, so much has been going on, I've been thrown into University work and am feeling really motivated this term. I've also been feeling really demotivated, and uninspired, with my blog, which has put me off blogging, I feel really disappointed with and have lost a bit of interest. Thankfully it's now coming back!
This outfit is pretty plain, and is actually what I wore yesterday for the Uni library, where me and Sheri spent our Sunday working! We live such thrilling lives, ha! I wear this skirt probably way too much, but it's so easy to just chuck on, and it goes with everything really! I've recently become addicted to Instagram, so if you have it, you're welcome to follow me, although most of my photo's are of food! My instragram name is charlestown92 :) Sorry about this post, I'm slowly easing my way back into blogging, I really wish I could post as often as I wanted, I just don't have time to! It's a shame! My big deadline is due the 9th of February, so until then, my posts will probably be pretty sparse and irregular, but i'll try my best!
It's my Mum's birthday today, so Happy Birthday Mum! I wish I could see her, but my Uni is on the other side of the country, but hopefully i'll get to go home soon! If you read this, I hope you're having an amazing day, love you lots!
Love, Charlestown xoxo.