Even though I've been living in our new house since sometime in September, my space is starting to feel like my own, and I'm filling it up with new pieces I keep acquiring (but shouldn't!). If you've been reading my blog for a while, or been an Instagram follower for at least a year, you'll know that I've got a bit of a soft spot for a classic cloche, or bell jar. My first was in the form of a mini all-glass bell jar, complete with a Victorian-style dried floral display, my second was a classic small bell jar which I then filled with glittery balls 'a la Kirstie Allsopp', and I stumbled across my third (and last, at least until I've got my own place, where I can dedicate a whole room to them if need be!) amongst the glass figurines in Home Sense! For a bargainous £12, I snapped it up as I knew it'd be the perfect home from my Gold Pineapple Candle from M&S, and for future cacti and mini ferns.

As most of our days are probably spent looking at some form of screen, it's extra special being able to spend time delving into the pages of a good book, or even better, venturing back into a story that stole our hearts a long time ago. For me, Jane Austen stories will never grow old; I have read everyone of her books, seen all of the film/TV adaptations (at least as far as I know!), and like every other fan, I've dreamt of having the life of a wealthy Georgian lady, surrounded by lots of land, frivolous dances and swoon-worthy men (eww)! Even though I do own every Jane Austen novel, I was treated to this beautiful book at Christmas; and with every single novel included, gold lined paper and detailed illustrated cover, I know it's something that I'll treasure forever. The other day, I popped into Waterstones and found it as well as lots of other Classics in the same style, so if you want to get your hands on one, go for a visit!

Dinosaur Earrings. I'll just let that sink in before I go ahead. Yes, dinosaur earrings - and not just any dinosaur, it's a Tyrannosaurus Rex! Maybe it's the fact that I've been surrounded by every single possible dinosaur in model form, cuddly toy form, even table lamp form, and have different facts thrown at me from all angles by my little brother (true), or maybe I just love dinosaurs (also true), but my inner-Palaeontologist lit up when I saw this little pair in Forever 21, and at only £2.99 it'd be silly not to, right?

I think we should probably now move onto this seriously cute pair of slippers! My love for these slippers only grew when I saw my Great Nanny Olive wearing an almost identical pair, which meant they must be good! From the renowned Morlands of Glastonbury, they're lined with their traditional sheepskin which just makes them the warmest and comfiest slippers I've owned (perfect for the winter!), and after about 2 months of constant wear they still look as good as new, with their pretty burgundy colour and little bow!

Now I'm probably the least likely person to be a make-up connoisseur, but I really feel like this little number needs a special mention. I've had a bit of a love affair with Revlon; I love their cream blushes and their foundation, but I wouldn't leave the house without one of their lipsticks in tow! The colours are always really beautiful; especially their huge range of coral-ly reds, peachy pinks and more muted, natural tones. My current favourite is the Smoked Peach - it's a much more natural colour, which I think is perfect for the winter, but with it's peachy hues, it looks a little bit different and brightens the face! Are there any must-have lipstick colours I should be looking at? Let me know!
I'd love to know what you think about my favourites! It'd also really benefit if I could know your thoughts about my blog - I do realise it's been a bit hit and miss lately, but as I'm getting back into the swing of things, your opinions mean a lot and will give me a good kick up the bum - as is very much needed!
Au revoir!
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