Hello! Can anyone else quite believe that the Bank Holiday is over? Nope, me neither, but somehow it is! This weekend has flown by, once again, but a lovely one it has been! What with trips up to the Natural History Museum, gorging on Shake Shack, visiting one too many tearooms and eating my weight in popcorn on the settee, this weekend has been a pretty special one, even if I can feel a pre-winter diet coming on ha! What did you all get up to over the weekend? Hope the storms on Saturday didn't ruin everything for you!
I started my internship at Darling last week and I really feel like i've just fit right in with the team. I wore this skirt on my first day, and forgot just how pretty it was! Do you ever have a piece of clothing that you find tucked away at the back of your wardrobe and can't wait to start pairing it with things? It's like a nice little surprise, especially as you look at it with a fresh eye and can then be a little more inventive.
I know, I know, I have an abundance of bags, for every occasion, every colour, every size. But did I have a small, waterproof backpack that was perfect for spending all day traipsing around the Orlando theme parks with? Well, I do now! After spending a lot of time debating over which size to get (classic or mini), trying them on, reading reviews, watching youtube videos, I decided on the 'Mini'. It may look pretty small, but I can promise you, it really is just like Mary Poppins' bag - my DSLR with it's massive lens fits with plenty of room to spare. I'll post a blog showing what I took with me to Florida in this little mint-beauty this week, if you'll be interested?
I'm feeling a little naffed off with my blog lately, and think it can be a lot more interesting and different than it is, so what do you think I could do to improve on here? Let me know what you think, I promise I won't be offended. (I hope, anyway!)
I started my internship at Darling last week and I really feel like i've just fit right in with the team. I wore this skirt on my first day, and forgot just how pretty it was! Do you ever have a piece of clothing that you find tucked away at the back of your wardrobe and can't wait to start pairing it with things? It's like a nice little surprise, especially as you look at it with a fresh eye and can then be a little more inventive.
I know, I know, I have an abundance of bags, for every occasion, every colour, every size. But did I have a small, waterproof backpack that was perfect for spending all day traipsing around the Orlando theme parks with? Well, I do now! After spending a lot of time debating over which size to get (classic or mini), trying them on, reading reviews, watching youtube videos, I decided on the 'Mini'. It may look pretty small, but I can promise you, it really is just like Mary Poppins' bag - my DSLR with it's massive lens fits with plenty of room to spare. I'll post a blog showing what I took with me to Florida in this little mint-beauty this week, if you'll be interested?
I'm feeling a little naffed off with my blog lately, and think it can be a lot more interesting and different than it is, so what do you think I could do to improve on here? Let me know what you think, I promise I won't be offended. (I hope, anyway!)

♥ Top: New Look
♥ Skirt: Urban Outfitters
♥ Boots: River Island
♥ Jacket: Topshop
♥ Bag: Fjallraven Kanken Mini